A downloadable interlude realm

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A horrible stench flows from the hills accompanying the wastewater of countless mining operations and fowl runoff from rituals performed by the corrupted inhabitants. Your boots squish with each step as you carefully move between the small isles of safety in the Blighted Bog.

Slog through the Bog

The Blighted Bog mini-realm is designed as an intermission for players travelling between locations. It offers a minor challenge in combat and some resource management for tackling the pesky Poison of the bog waters. Enjoy!

This is entry 1 of 8 in the Interlude Realms collection.


Written, designed, and edited by Cody Barr of Sleepy Sasquatch Games

Uses the Dicier (CC BY 4.0), Baskerville, and Blackwood Castle fonts.

Map created with the Cave/Glade generator by watabou

Art created by Perplexing Ruins

Designed for use with RUNE by Spencer Campbell (GilaRPGs).

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorSleepy Sasquatch Games
TagsDice, Exploration, poison, rune, runerealm, Solo RPG, Supplement, Tactical


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Blighted Bog - Pamphlet Realm.pdf 1.5 MB

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