Community Copy Requests

Hi everyone,

Over the past week I've received the most amount of emails and messages ever about adding more community (free) copies of GLIDE. At this time, I've given away over 400 copies, via the 'community copy pool' and directly using links. I am happy to allow people to have access to the game but rarely receive reviews for my games, and a fair review for a free product is all I ask.  These help me tremendously to work with the ranking algorithm and  the written ones help me provide better products over time. 

With that in mind, going forward community copies will only be added when:

  1. A player leaves a review using the review system, doesn't need to be public, for the game. (2-for-1)
  2. Someone purchases a copy of the game. (1-for-1)

I will be adding more copies using the above metrics once every-other week, either on a Saturday or Sunday. Please let me know if you have any questions and concerns about these changes. 

Thank you,

- Cody


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People should be buying this game. It's worth the $10, and more.