A downloadable desert adventure

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Updated layout now available for everyone!

GLIDE is a solo (and cooperative) sci-fi tabletop RPG adventure game inspired by the world of Frank Herbert's Dune

Players take the role of a Seeker; a member of a collective group of nomads, traders, ecologists, and hopefuls that have come together with the common goals of rebuilding the planet Eridoor. Seekers navigate the desert wastes for scrap left behind by the Great Houses of before, in hopes that they will one day contribute to the restoration of the planet's past beauty and splendor.

As you explore everything GLIDE has to offer, you will acquire Fame, which ultimately leads to the end of the game. How you earn Fame is up to you, with many different pathways depending on your playstyle. Want to explore your world even further? GLIDE offers rules for returning to your version of Eridoor with a new character to continue on a map that you enjoy.

The Game

GLIDE makes use of a unique dice rolling system for skill tests. Players will increase one of three stats (Hardy, Knowledgeable, and Resourceful) to increase their chance of success when Exploring or Encountering in the world. Locations each have levels, from 1 to 3, which dictate the number of six-sided dice (d6) to roll. Roll a number equal to or less than your chosen stat to use for the skill test to gain a success. Gain enough successes and you will be rewarded! If you cannot complete a skill test, you may always return at a later time to try again.

At its core, GLIDE is about exploring and revealing the desert around them. Players will reveal new locations on their map, which  provide opportunities to adventure outward from settlements and find resources to sell, or contribute to one of the Guilds. Games can vary in length, averaging 1 hour for a short game, and 3 hours for a long game. The longer you stay in the world of GLIDE, the more you will reveal and discover. You do not need to see everything in one play session as GLIDE is easily saved by recording a few bits of info before tucking it away.

The World of Eridoor

A long time ago, the green lushness of Eridoor stood as the prize jewel to many Great Houses. Over many centuries of exploitation from the Great Houses, Eridoor began to dry up, becoming a barren and sandy husk of its once beautiful self.

You will explore this planet and the secrets it may still have hidden.

What's in the Core Rules?

  • Rules for creating a characters and selecting a background to suit your starting position in the world
  • Guides on all the actions you can take in game, from revealing unique locations to exploring ruins and collecting scrap
  • Map creation rules, references, and tables galore
  • Upgrades to customize your character and Glider to suit your playstyle
  • Multiple Guilds to choose from and quest lines to pursue including building a relic museum and racing Gliders (the hover-bikes)
  • Plenty of illustrations from Emiel Boven, bringing the world of Glide to life
  • A simple companion system that provides additional benefits and routes to success for some characters

What else do I Get?

  • A printable map to record your travels
  • A printable character sheet to track your resources, upgrades, and more

Reviews for GLIDE


This is one of the best solo RPG’s I’ve played.


I love the art and the cool exploration framework.

Interested in GLIDE but not the price? A permanent 50% off coupon is available for those who need it: https://sleepysasquatch.itch.io/pebx98s7rw

GLIDE © 2022 by Sleepy Sasquatch Games is licensed under CC BY 4.0 Created and Published By Sleepy Sasquatch Games

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(53 total ratings)
AuthorSleepy Sasquatch Games
TagsCasual, dune, Exploration, glide, Relaxing, Sci-fi, Singleplayer, Solo RPG, Tabletop role-playing game
Average sessionAbout an hour


Buy Now$9.99 USD or more

In order to download this desert adventure you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $9.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Glide - 2024 Layout Update (Pages).pdf 17 MB
Glide - 2024 Layout Update (Spreads).pdf 17 MB
GLIDE - 2024 Layout Update (Low Ink).zip 26 MB

Download demo

GLIDE - Simple Character Sheet.pdf 391 kB
GLIDE - Character Sheet 2024.pdf 469 kB
GLIDE - Core Map 2024.pdf 405 kB
GLIDE - FAQ and Errata 2.0.pdf 65 kB

Development log


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Hi! Started playing this today (despite backing it on kickstarter). In the lvl 1 Restoration Guild quest, it says to "Recover & Explore 5 Different Locations," but recovering involves finding quest items? I'm not sure how to "recover" a location, am I missing something?


Hey! Just ignore the Recover rule for that quest. It was an error in the first printing and I missed changing it the second time around. It should have read "Recover 5 Scrap and Explore 5 Different Locations".

(1 edit) (+2)

Thanks! The 2 games of your's I've played so far are great! This and Wyrd.


Hi there - with the deck of cards, is the intent that you shuffle the deck before drawing, or do you keep drawing from the deck without reshuffling?

Shuffle the deck once to start. As you play keep drawing from the same deck. When the deck runs out, shuffle all the cards together and start drawing from the new deck.


Ok thanks!

is there a way to play indefinitely? as in open world/sandbox etc without a "win state"? also are there combat mechanics?

You can totally play forever in the world or expand into a new map bringing over your character. 

There are no combat mechanics in GLIDE but you are free to adapt outside systems for combat or use the Skill Test system include in GLIDE.


Have just started a playthrough on a rather miserable, rainy Bank Holiday Monday and what a great way to spend an hour or so! Great theme, very evocative and with the right playlist highly immersive. Can't wait to see where my next turn takes me, but for now I am at rest in Moon Dew Valley.

How many pages is the main book?

GLIDE is 80 pages of thematic tables, images, and rules.


I am pleased with the layout of this booklet, and your art choice is fantastic, although I am a sucker for Black and White artwork!

I have been a Science Fiction fanatic since I was little, I was born the year after Star Wars: A New Hope, and I grew up with Original Trilogy and the 1984 edition of Dune. I also love re-watching The older Terminator films from time to time.

Glide is really well done and I appreciate all your hard work! I also love the Smuggler and Mechanic Additions! This allows you to go in the direction of Firefly TV series or Space Truckers! 

Thank you for the kind words! It's always exciting to hear the enjoyment had by players and I'm happy that the new layout is making things even more thematic and engrossing for you.

(1 edit) (+1)

I like the setting and the art of the page, the expansion has a nice illustration and looks interesting, I love the desert worlds like Athas, Tatooine, Arrakis or Kal-Arath (for which I did the Spanish translation). I have not been able to buy it because I am from Argentina (I cannot make purchases from other countries or use Dollars). I hope to see some analysis, in fact I have contact with two youtubers, one of them: "Barbarian Thumb" could make a video review of the game for the Spanish-speaking community.


That would be awesome and highly appreciated. Send me an email (cody @ sleepysasquatchgames . ca) and I'll get you a link for download!

Great, I'll send you a message. :)

Hi. Nice work with the new layout. I didn't read the new file already, anyway I ask if the errata/FAQ file I see up here was integrated.
PS: at page 5, probably the picture is over the text layer, so the big white image border slightly covers the left column text.


Thanks for letting me know. The picture was a few pixels too far and didn't morph the text as intended. Should be no issue reading it as is.

The errata and FAQ document is integrated.


Watched a couple videos, read some Facebook posts, and bought the game.   Loving this game, going to complete a few games and start adding some expansions in.   Looks like my Wednesdays are set for a while. looking forward to hopefully some more additions.  Thanks!!

Enjoy! Thanks for the support.

So I've managed to get some glider upgrades throughout my adventuring, but not from purchasing them on the upgrade table. In order to get the fame, do I need to purchase from the upgrade table, or is it achieved when my glider hits that level? 


Great question. To gain Fame from the Glider upgrades you will need to reach the 3rd level of a core upgrade, doesn't matter how you earned said upgrade. Hope that helps!

How did you intend for the Wild card option to be used? It's an option on every table, but I cannot find an explanation for it in the book.

Hi JayeBlue,

The intention was to offer a very small chance of something special for the player when the Wild card face was drawn.

oh so wild cards are the two jokers, then? Also, thanks for getting to my question so quickly! I am loving the game

You got it! Enjoy.

How do Guild Ranks work ? The section taking quests states "For your rank with the Guild chosen, you can take on the Quest", but I can't find anywhere in the book that explains how ranking with the various guilds works.

Guild ranks start at 1 and increase as you complete quests. For each completed quest in the chain of available quests for a Guild, you gain 1 rank. You will always start at rank 1 for a Guild.


All clear now, thank you for answering. This is a wonderful game so far.

How do we take quests and is there an action cost to it ? The Settlement action says - Max once per turn but then under Guild Quests section it states "When in a Settlement, you can choose to take a Quest as one of the Settlement actions. This is free, in addition to the other Settlement actions." So does that mean we can do another settlement action after taking a quest ?

A single quest can be taken at any time when in a Settlement. Taking a quest has no cost associated with it and is a free action. Choose a Guild and take the quest starting at your Guild Rank for the Guild providing the quest.


Got it, thanks for clarifying.


Hi! Loving the game so far. I recently learned about a new location from a settlement encounter, and I'm wondering where I should put it on the map. Is there a rule I'm missing about when a location is revealed for you by a PC? I like the idea of trying to reach a faraway location someone told you about.

Glad to hear you are loving the game! There is no rule that states where or how far you need the location to be on the map, so pick what works best for you. I always reveal locations given from NPCs furthest from my location as it gives me a direction and objective to reach.

Hi, its possibile to have a community copies?

Hey! I will add more once the sale is done in September.

(1 edit)

I'd like to play it, but I'm unable to download my purchased copy from the Gizmo Bundle. I can download Wandering Dreams and Wandering Souls...but unable to download Glide and the Courier. Support is not responding so far. FYI, it starts downloading and gets all the way to the end...then stops telling to me to Resume. If I resume, it tells me "File wasn't available on site".

No problem. I see your purchase on my end and will send working links to your email. Appreciate you letting me know!


Thank you for solving my dilemma!


Hello! I was wondering if this game is kid-friendly? I’m looking for take-home writing activities for my struggling students for this year and don’t have the $ to purchase all the options to review.  Thanks.


Hey! GLIDE is very kid friendly. The themes in GLIDE are exploration based, personal growth, community building, with no violence. If you would like a copy of any of my games your students, please send me an email and I'll be happy to provide everything at no cost.
sleepysasquatchgames (@) gmail (.) com. 

I sent an email. Thank you. :)


I'm not sure how to leave a review, unless this is it. I absolutely love this game. Its simple and elegant enough for a short relaxed solo game that easy to keep track of but I also made some chalkboard painted physical tiles and successfully ran this game with six players. We all had a ton of fun with surprisingly few hiccups. I can't recommend this game enough, the artwork and atmosphere of the book really pack a punch and the game inspires some fantastic story telling.

(1 edit) (+2)

I think it might be the rating system at the top right, under "Rate this desert adventure."


Ah, it was hidden on mobile. Thank you!


Thanks for the great review! I'm very interested to see how you put together the physical tiles for gameplay. Having 6 players is a lot and not something that I would've expected to see with any of my games. If you have any photos that you'd like to share of the tiles and gameplay, please send them to my email sleepysasquatchgames @ gmail .com 

Deleted post

I'll add a couple more for those who are interested. Let me know if you are unable to grab a copy.

Deleted post

I wish I could have one too.


They run out within days of me adding more but I've included a few more if you can grab a copy.

I can never, I’ve been trying for a while. Thanks anyway.


Send me an email. sleepysasquatchgames @ gmail .com

I'll get you a code. 🙂

Hello! I wonder if it would possible to play Glide with a group? What do you think folks? :) I love Sable and other inspirations used here. The feeling of your RPG is exactly the same as the game and I want to share this experience with others so badly :)

(1 edit) (+1)

You can follow the Cooperative Play rules found on page 72 of the rules to get that up and running. I'm sure you could find players in a Discord server to play with. Check out the Reddit Solo_Roleplay sub as a start!


Thanks! I have my offline group and as I just bought the game we will try it soon! Artworks are beautiful and the character sheet has a cool vibe - can't wait to dive into the rules :) 



How do I get a Physical copy of the game? What is the price?

Thank you


If you are in North America, your best option would be from Knave of Cups. They are selling physical copies, while they last, starting tomorrow.  Check out the website here: https://knaveofcups.com/ 

If you are in the rest of the world, I had a print on demand option being setup with DriveThruRPG. Waiting for my final proofs before I can launch that.

Hope that helps!

would love to be able to buy a physical copy

You can purchase a print on demand copy through DriveThruRPG here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/411925/GLIDE


Question/clarification: when exploring another hex from a explorable location, can you draw the same result? For example, if I’m exploring the Giant Snake Skeleton, can I draw Jaws of Razors a second time in the second hex for exploring? Or do I automatically use the other suit? Or? Perhaps the answer is in the text, but I may have overlooked it.


You got it right. You would combine those two locations into one bigger version. There is no rules about needing to draw another card or switch suits for subsequent duplicate draws.


Ordered physical print, how long before shipping takes place?  Never really received a confirmation email about delivery…just download links.

Hey! I just got around to sending out emails to those who ordered physical copies this week. Sorry for the delay. They will be shipped out as soon as today (November 11 - 2022).


love it!🤘


Hey is there any open license or opportunity to create content for Glide? I maybe myself a new map/tracker sheet and did some tweaks to the Character sheet I would love to share. Also, I’ve been having some extra game ideas as I have been playing. 


Absolutely! I will include some information on the main page for the license, including branding and what is considered fair-game for third-party creations. I'm fine with creations being sold by the creator, as long as they include a "compatible with GLIDE" declaration and the logo (as mentioned). Will need to do a bit more research as to how other print games handle this, so give me a few days before the update is available.

If you have more questions, please send me an email at sleepysasquatchgames@gmail.com, as it's easier to correspond in long-form.


Hi, I just went through character creation and was hyped to get started with the exploration of the desert, but I can’t find any value for starting speed (or if a character starts with a glider at all). Is the starting speed 1 or 2 as listed for level 1 in the glider upgrades?



Hey! The starting Speed is 1. You can find that info in the FAQ/Errata v1.0, which is listed in the "demo/free files" section of the GLIDE page. 

Level 1 upgrades are the first upgrade to your starting Stats. Hope that clears things up for you.

Question: can you pre-find quest items even if you don't have an active quest? So for example I picked up two at the Gilder Station but don't have an active quest. Do I just keep them?

Nope! Quest items are ignored unless you have an active quest. Assume that you don't know what you need to find until you take on a quest.

IS there a sample play through video anywhere?

(1 edit)

There is not any videos, that I can find. If you have a recommendation of someone you'd like to see play it, please let me know and I'll reach out to them.


I' going to try it this week and sometimes it's nice to see the “how to”

I'm getting ready to play the game - it looks like a lot of fun.  I'd really love to be able to purchase a print version.  They're easier for me to work with when gaming.


I have a few copies going up today. The price will be $25 USD, shipping included. 


Any chance of getting an easy print version? 

The game is beautiful, but all the black pages will take a whole printer cartridge.

Thanks for requesting this! I will upload a low-ink version within the next 12 hours, with the inside covers removed and some adjustments to the contrast levels for the covers. That should help cut down on the ink budget.


Thank you so much!

You're welcome. The "Low Ink Version" zip contains both spreads and pages, depending on your printing preference.

I found this on drivethrurpg before here - is there any chance for the lowing version to be added to that as well??


I will add that as soon as possible. It may take a few days for DriveThruRPG to approve the upload, so keep and eye out for the update email.


The Expansion has a bad extension and does not download.


Thanks for letting me know, William! I will upload a new version ASAP.


Worth the wait! Love this book. 

Appreciate the kind words. I hope you enjoy playing GLIDE!